Welcome to The 21st Century Gentleman; a place for you to get the info and the tools you need to be all the man you can be in today's times. Here, we've assembled a large collection of information to give you everything you will need to know to up your game in style, culture, and much, much more. The best part? Unlike most men's magazines, It's all created with YOU and Your budget in mind, so you won't find any $300 dress shirts here.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Issue # 7 - Guygiene
The Mailroom
I will begin with a word of mouth comment someone forwarded to me from a disgruntled reader. He explained to me that this person was very offended by my outlook on cargo shorts, flip flops and Aeropostale Shirts. Apparently he was upset since he is exactly the type of guy i was referring to, using fast food fashion instead of trying to actually look good. Apparently this person wanted to find me, and punch me in the face...
I will begin my reply to this person by asking a question of my own: Why are you so angry that you have poor style? It's no one's fault but your own. if that's your style, then so be it. I am not going to tell you what you HAVE to wear. I am simply pointing you in the right direction so you don't look like a lazy slob every single day. And come on man, Aeropostale shirts? Nothing that has the brand name Plastered across the front of it 99 times is attractive to anyone. Have you actually LOOKED inside the store? It looks like a Unicorn Ate a poison rainbow and vomited over ever article of clothing in there. Do you really want Unicorn rainbow vomit on you? In regards to wanting to punch me in the face. Well, that's your perogative. But isn't taking violent action just a really Dbag way of saying "I hate you because you're right"?...think about it.
Dear S.G. - what are your thoughts on wearing no socks with shoes and shorts?
My thoughts are that it looks fantastic. IF you have the right shoes and shorts of course. If you have a pair of slip ons with a good pair of well fitted shorts, then more power to you. I personally have a few pairs of slip ons in a variety of styles, and no socks is the ONLY way to wear them with shorts. Check out a cool pair of Sperry Top siders or some Steve Maddens. Now, if you are intending to wear any other type of shoes, please stay away from any sort of running shoe, especially the all-white basketball type. I saw a younger guy just a few days ago wearing a light blue button down with just-above the knee walking shorts in navy blue and a great pair of white lace ups with no socks. It looked fantastic, and everything was fitted and tailored perfectly. Use your discretion and work the look!
S.G.: Who do you think you are to tell people there bad dressers? Your full of sh?*t
Well, i am using the power of the internet to voice my thoughts just as you can. You don't have to read it, and you don't have to abide by it. This blog is just a point in the right direction. If you think i am full of excrement, then start your own blog and talk about your own things. Also, you may want to check out a few grammar and spelling blogs to figure out that tricky "there, their, they're" rule and the "your, you're" rule. Just putting that out there.
what would you suggest to a guy who wants one good summer time cologne?
Hmm, just one? That's a hard choice! If you're going to go with just one scent, test them out first. I would narrow it down to a top 3 - Dolce and Gabbana Masculine, Lacoste Red, and Dolce and Gabbana Light blue. Go find them, test them, love one, and make it yours.
That's all for today, keep the comments coming, and stay tuned for issue # 7 - Guy-giene.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Issue # 6 - Not all Baggage is bad.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Issue # 5 - Walk a Mile in Better shoes...Please.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Issue # 4 - Axing the reputation
Good day gentlemen, how are you all today? I am taking a slight detour to what I normally write about in order to do a little consumer review. I do not refer anything or speak highly of anything unless i truly do believe in it...and as much as it shocks me personally, I believe in AXE hair products.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Issue # 3 - Scents and Sensibility
Hummer, Mustang, Ferrari, Tim Mcgraw, Adidas, Brut, Old Spice, Gravity, Drakkar Noir, Preferred Stock or ANY other fragrance made by automobile companies or country singers.
#3 - Change your perception of what men's fragrances are. They've most likely changed since you bought your last bottle. Keep an open mind.
Once you've made your choice of your top 3 (Tip: pick one for cold weather, one for hot weather, one for in between. I will get to this in a moment), Pick one to purchase and go and get it! FragranceX has cheaper prices than most stores so if you have a credit card, you should start there. Or if you're an impatient one, go buy it wherever you can. It may take you a few days to get used to it, but you will.
John Varvatos, Burberry, Burberry The Beat, Lacoste Pour Homme, Kenneth Cole RSVP
Burberry Brit, Polo Black, Dolce & Gabbana The one
Issue # 2 - Idiot Proof style
There are certain things in a Man's wardrobe that simply never go out of style. Some of these things have been around for ages, and as the title of this issue states, they're idiot proof. Others are new additions to the roster, and whether they will stand the test of time remains to be seen, but for now they make the grade.
Before i get to the list however I would like to start by making sure that every man, gentleman, guy, dude, boy and bro reading this are aware of James Dean as a classic style icon. Many of the classic examples on this list were either trademarked by him, or became classic after he wore them. Let us all take a moment of silence to remember such an icon....
Ok then. On to the list. We will start with the quintessential classic, the must-have for EVERY man:
1 - The White T-shirt
The White Tee is very simply a necessity. It's clean and versatile and can literally be worn with just about everything. It can be dressed up and dressed down, and can add a punch of brightness to any outfit. At the time this blog is being written, the v-neck is in style, but whether you choose v-neck, or crew neck the look still remains classic. A couple of tips: Buy several of them, since they are prone to pit stains, coffee stains....sauce stains...just about any stain you can imagine. Keep several at a time and always keep a small budget to pick up more when needed. Also, spend the extra money to get good quality shirts, as opposed to the 3 pack of fruit of the loom shirts. Quality shirts fit better, last longer and just look right. The shirts should fit well, not too snug, but not overly large (hint: If you're one of those guys who thinks everything that fits well is too tight so you wear a size bigger, DON'T do that with these shirts.) Also, if you're a crew neck guy that's your call, but buy a few v-necks to wear under dress shirts. Nothing looks tackier than a white t shirt poking out through a dress shirt collar. Trust me. I learned the hard way.
Where to get them: There are only 2 things i will EVER say to buy at Aeropostale. The white v-neck is one of them. They are relatively cheap at 2 for $18, and fit fantastic....and the best part? They don't have AEROPOSTALE written all over it like everything else in the store. Just plain, white, classic. Forever 21 for men also has fantastic tees. Choose wisely.
2- The Black Leather Jacket
This one has been around for well over 50 years, and still is an iconic piece. It's a bit trickier though and really takes a proper usage to really work. While there are many stores that offer leather jackets and coats, 98% of them are brutally ugly, oversized, and boxy. You don't want that. Far too many men think that just owning any leather coat makes them stylish or classy looking...they are wrong. The leather jacket should be trim, fitted and clean. It should not fall too far below the waist, nor should the sleeves be too long, or the shoulders too wide. Think of it as an extension of your body...a well fitted accessory that announces your presence. Opt for a clean lamb-skin or cow-hide, but nothing with any form of pattern or texture. You want to look clean and polished. Basically for lack of a better term, you want a biker style jacket. Now don't go and get a 3 inch thick leather jacket with zippers and buckles and studs and rhinestones. Not THAT type of biker jacket. You want the great grandson of that jacket; The young hip version of it.
For the budget conscious, a faux leather jacket of the same style will suit just fine...until you get a real leather one of course. Oh yeah, and the jacket is a perfect soulmate for the White t-shirt.
#3 - A good pair of jeans
This one is simple. Find a pair of jeans that fits you. WELL. The wash is up to you, although dark denim is still in. How should they fit? Well in my opinion i would say decently snug at first, since they will stretch. Not too wide of a leg, and not too long. You want definition in the legs and ass, but you don't want a lot of break at the foot (break is when the bottom of the pants crinkle at the top of your shoes because they are too long). Get them properly hemmed and tailored to your needs. We'll put it this way: If you have to hold them up while you walk, (a topic we will cover in an upcoming issue), then they're too big. If you have to spend 15 minutes getting them on, they're too tight. Anything in the middle is fine. Like the skinny look? Go for it. Just try not to have them TOO skinny if you can't pull it off. And hey, spend some money on them. Jeans will last a good amount of time, so don't cheap out and get them at Wal-Mart.
#4 - The Black Tie
A plain black tie is required in any man's wardrobe. Get one. Now. Opt for the skinnier versions, since wide ties are so horribly outdated. Don't think a skinny tie is cool? Watch Madmen, and see how it's really done. I have 3 different versions; A glossier one, a dull cotton one, and one in the middle. Use according to your occasion. Worn with a CRISP white button down, you can't be touched. Also to be worn with lighter colours. Experiment with the looks, after all it's YOUR style. But please stop wearing the wide ties. Get with the times. Oh and one more thing. Guys, your ties are usually too long. Stop it. How do you know the perfect length? The tip of the tie should touch the top of your belt buckle. It can even extend to the middle of the buckle if desired, but if it extends PAST the belt buckle, it is TOO Long. You can even experiment with going shorter lengths, but don't go past the buckle. Got it? good.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Issue # 1 - Fast Food Fashion
In this first installment, I would like to address the overwhelming amount of men who think that Summer is a 3 month-long excuse to dress like slobs. It's as if the heat and the sun speak in a languange only men can understand, and tell them that Cargo shorts and thong sandals (or "flip-flops") are the only attire they can wear, for ALL occasions. This, gentlemen, is incredibly wrong...in so many ways.
I will be giving style ideas, tips, and even consumer reviews on everything from grooming products to cologne and more.
Please feel free to read, explore and share ideas and comments with us, and spread the word!!