Issue # 14 - What is there to Lose?
This issue is dedicated to all those things that you
A) never wear anymore, or
B) Still wear, but shouldn't.
I know a lot of these items may hold memories for you, or you may still think they look cool. Trust me guys, I have been there. I recently did a complete overhaul not only on my closet, but on other aspects of my life as well. Some of the items listed will be clothing, others will be styles, etc. Pay attention and follow at your discretion.
Without further ado, I will reveal the first item that needs to be removed:
The Turtleneck Sweater -
Listen gents: It's not 1999 anymore. 98 degrees hasn't been popular in well over a decade, and this style of sweater, althought fantastically huge in its time, is no longer cool, and hasn't been in a long, LONG time. I know you like them. I loved mine. And although i haven't worn one in years, i just recently removed them from my closet. I suggest you do the same guys. If you don't, well...i can't guarantee what will happen if you wear one of these out on the town, but i CAN guarantee that no numbers will be coming your way.
The open dress shirt with the white T-shirt underneath. -
Just stop this. Please. It hasn't been "in", in a very long time, and to be honest i don't know if it ever WAS "in". I see this on a constant basis, and it never looks good. Ever. Especially not with a SHORT sleeved dress shirt. Button up the shirt, tuck it in, and be a big boy.
That sweat stained-colour faded ball cap - It's gross. It smells, and it doesn't look good. Get a new hat.
Your Hair Gel -
If you're still using hair "gel", you most likely are also sporting an uncool hair style. We will get to this next. Hair gel is ancient. It's the equivalent to using Windows 98 in today's world; it has no substance, it's ugly and just plain doesn't work well. There are SO many hair products that work extremely well (refer to a previous post "Axing the competition") that your DEP gel needs to just GO. I know you love that it's $2 for a giant bottle, but your hair looks like $2 as well. Do you you really want that? Gel is thin and watery and makes your hair look thin and crispy, and it just lacks volume. Not to mention the soaking wet look hasn't been in for a very long time. I recommend the AXE hair products, and the Got 2 B hair products.
The "combfront" hair style -
It looks like we're going to be referencing 98 Degrees again here. You know the hairstyle; The one where you throw a bunch of gel in your hair, slick it forward, and then spike up the bangs only. Yeah. There is an astounding number of men who still wear variations of this look, which causes me to shudder. Granted, there is an astounding number of men who still wear a LOT of hairstyles that haven't been stylish in a long time, but that's besides the point. A lot of men in their mid to late 20s are still wearing this, and it's about time to stop. dryer looking, more natural hairstyles are in right now, and they just look so much better. McDreamy has made it cool again to have a full head of wavy hair, so don't feel you have to keep your hair super short because it's too much of a hassle to "do" it. Grow it out a bit. Have some fun with it, and look like an adult. Please.
Your baggy Jeans -
You know the ones. The ones you wore when baggy was in, When Nelly was popular, and the Backstreet boys were blazing up the charts. Stop wearing them now. They make you look shorter, fatter and 12 years old. Paired with your Skater shoes, they make it look as if your mom had to drop you off to work, and she packed your lunch. Slim jeans that fit properly are what you need to be wearing. After all, yo uwork hard to keep fit (right?), so wear clothes that flatter that.
White Socks -
Keep a couple pair for working out, or bumming around the house. Switch the rest to black. Get some thin dress ones for formal occasions, and thicker ones for everyday use. And don't be afraid to mix it up. Dynamic socks with bright colours make an outfit POP. Just be sure the socks MATCH your outfit. Otherwise you just look like you are colour challenged.
and most importantly, the main thing you need to get rid of is....(drumroll please)
far too many men still abide by the old school thoughts of manliness. This absurd ideal that men shouldn't spend time on themselves, or have form fitting clothing. This, pardon my language, is bullshit. This is 2010. Things are very different, and there are new rules to look truly manly. After all, a true man is a man who knows HOW to look good, how to dress, and HOW to be a gentleman. Pick up this month's issue of MEN'S HEALTH MAGAZINE and see their new rules for men. They are dead on, and something you need to learn.
Until next time gentlemen,