Monday, May 9, 2011

issue # 41 how to be a man in 2011

Issue # 41 - How to be a man in 2011

Hello gents! Well it's been a while since my last issue, and what can i say, i have been busy. But today, in the little free time i possess, I decided to write a new issue based on something we've only really touched upon in the past; how to be a man. Now, I am not saying this literally of course so don't go running for your axes and plaid shirts, those trees don't need to be chopped down today. I am speaking about how to be a Man in a different way. Now most of you know that I have always been one that's against stereotypical Macho masculine ideals. In my eyes, they are horrible out dated, out of fashion, out of style, and need severe revamping. If only every ball cap wearing, running shoes with jeans caveman out there would watch a season of Madmen, they would see what real men looked like, how real men acted.

So here is a list of things that a man should read, learn and apply if he wants to be a real man. Some of them are things you should DO others are things you need to STOP DOING. So pay attention, read carefully and realize that you're not all the man you should be.

1 - Speak like an adult. Yes, this refers to proper grammar, spelling, and context of words, but this point is directed more towards your use of typing. Times are changing, and electronic "talking" is a very dominant source of communication. This is fine and wonderful, but as a grown man, you should not be using TXT speak, you should be typing in proper words. The use of juvenile 'words' such as "ur", "u", "l8tr" and any number of the millions of these tween sayings, is far too pathetic to even put into words. Gentlemen, you are GROWN MEN. The use of words like these makes you look immediately and instantly immature and incapable of holding a real conversation. Sure, maybe some of you are doing it because you're driving, or you're pressed for time, or whatever. But SHE doesn't know that. the SHE i am referring to is the lovely lady you are texting who now thinks you're a 16 year old. Guys, do yourselves a favour and take the time to write full, proper words. Your appeal will increase instantly. Now, that being said, if you have to use short form for WHATEVER reason, texting is the only place you can do this. If you use short form words in online messaging or emailing, you're just plain lazy and juvenile. It takes literally 3 additional seconds to use proper words instead of short form. If that's too long to wait to be perceived as a well read and educated man, then you get what you deserve.

2 - CULTURE YOURSELF - Gents, you NEED to know about a wide variety of things. Sure, you may be really interested in sports or cars, but if that's ALL you can talk about in depth, then there's an issue. A woman likes a man who knows at least a little bit about a lot of things. And if he doesn't know about something, he admits it, then asks to learn. If your knowledge revolves around hockey, video games, and cartoons, chances are you're not going to have very in depth conversation with your lady friend, and if it continues, you won't have a very in depth relationship either. Learn about things around you. Know a little bit about world events. Check out what music is in right now, Immerse yourself, and educate yourself! Gents, women like an intelligent man. So be intelligent.

3 - DON'T ONLY drink Beer - Beer is awesome. It's cold, delicious and says MAN. But in the 40s through the 60s, beer was a weekend drink in the backyard. That;'s where it should stay. Wanna crack a cold one at a BBQ? go ahead. Home from work? crack one and relax. but if you're out, especially with a lady, try something other than a tacky brown bottle. Be able to order something other than beer, and your image and appeal will immediately boost. Having a base knowledge of wine doesn't hurt either. Sure, she might be a beer drinker as well, but if you want your style to take that extra inch forward, order something with a bit of style to it like a gin and tonic, or rye and ginger....if you're a little more fashionable that evening, be brave and ask for a manhattan or an old fashioned. She might not know what it is, but i guarantee she will be intrigued and ask...there's your conversation starter gentlemen.

4 - DRESS LIKE A MAN - There is a time and aplace for every outfit. But if you want to LOOK like a man, and not a boy, then take a couple tips, and tidy up your look. Whatever your style may be, tidy it up, especially if you are taking out a lady, or just want ladies to pay attention to you in general. Ties don't have to be for formal occasions! now that it's nicer outside, throw on a slim tie haphazardly with a dress shirt, jeans and some boat shoes, or if you're partial to shorts and a tee shirt, then upgrade them. get a good slim pair of shorts that look like something a man would wear, not something a 14 year old would wear to a punk show. Get a great fitted t shirt with something other than a stupid saying or a cartoon character on it, and make sure you don't look like you're swimming in it. Remember, if you're one of those guys who thinks everything is too tight, then it's probably just the right size. And skip the flip flops. They're lame, unless you're at the beach. Opt for a pair of boat shoes. They're cheap and add instant style to anything. I have a pair of grey ones i bought at the GAP in Mississippi. they cost me $15 and they are the most versatile shoes i own...and they only have one rule: Never wear socks. In fact, the more you can get away with no socks, the better. Wearing a pair of slim jeans or khakis? Flip up the cuffs a couple times, and show some ankle. Again, instant style.

bottom line guys, if you want to look like a man should look in today's world, then it's as simple as spending a few bucks, picking up a GQ magazine, and making some notes. Trust me, you will look and feel better about yourself, and i am sure you won't mind the additional interest from the ladies.

until nex time,

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