Sunday, January 2, 2011

Issue # 32 - Why your bachelor pad needs an update

Issue # 32 - Why your bachelor pad needs an update

Alright guys, well it's a new year and with this new year, should come new outlooks and new change. And what better way to start off the year than by fixing up that bachelor pad you're so fond of. I find it concerning that far too many single men create their living space to appeal to...other guys. Gents, your pad should be a place that appeals to women at the same time as saying something about you, and ultimately entice your lady friend to spend the night...It should completely say who you are, what you're about, but also be intriguing and welcoming to ladies. Unfortunately this doesn't happen as much as it should. Far too many men's living spaces are adorned with frat boy novelties, way too many sports items, juvenile posters of swimsuit models and dirty laundry...does this sound like something that would impress a lady? Didn't think so. So, here are some ideas to help you make your pad less of a man cave, and more lady well, i will be giving a few hints along the way to help make sure your a good one.

#1 - STAGE THE PLACE. Think of it like an open house. You want the room to speak highly of you. Why? So you don't have to. If your space speaks volumes to your personality and interests, then you can spend less time answering questions or talking about yourself, and more time asking about her. So how do you do this? Put things that interest you in the room. Display books that you love, or magazines you subscribe to (use your judgement on those Maxims though), photos of vacations or places you've been, cds or movies you love, etc. Use your common sense, and use restraint. If you're a sports guy then put out SOME of your favourite stuff....don't plaster the walls with it. You want your space to be comfortable and welcoming...not looking like a sports store. A few conversation pieces never hurt either. Have an autographed drum stick from your favourite band, or a photo of you and a famous athlete? Leave them in a visible spot, they will come in handy if the conversation comes to a crawl. You might think these are stupid ideas, but women pay attention to these things. You want the room to speak about you so half your work is already done.

# 2 - CLEAN UP. Nothing is a deal breaker more than a dirty place. It's understandable to have a little bit of clutter if you have a small place, but be neat, tidy and clean. Dirty laundry should not be visible. Dishes done, nothing in the sink, etc. You want your place to be completely comfortable and relaxing. When it comes to the bedroom, same thing. Clean, tidy and there should be NOTHING on the bed. If i need to explain why, you're beyond help.

#3 - SET THE MOOD. This, in my opinion is the most important rule. Why? Because if your lady friend managed to overlook your messiness, and slugged through the awkward conversation, and is still around, then setting the right mood is your absolute last chance to impress her and continue the night. So listen up gents. Don't take notes from cheesy love movies, or reach for the Barry White CD. there are 4 things that are totally crucial in getting this right. Once you have these 4 things, you can modify to your preference. They are as follows:
 - Lighting - Lighting may very well be the make or break of your success. Dim lighting is instantly romantic and sends all the right vibes. I suggest installing a dimmer switch on all your lights for instant ambiance. If you do not have dimmers then candles, as always, will work perfectly. They are instant mood setters. A couple things to keep in mind though. Do not have candles set out right off the bat, you risk sending the wrong message immediately and can jeopardize your night before it even begins. Also, choose unscented candles. Unless you know what she likes or hates, unscented tealights are a sure bet.

- Music - It may be stereotypical, but music plays a key role in setting the mood. Now this should go without saying, but I am going to say it anyways. Choose a subtle playlist that will equally set the mood for the evening, but also not be distracting, or overtake the conversation. Also nothing too cliche or suggestive. Be a gentleman. A personal favourite selection of mine is an album called "Sundown- music for unwinding". Make a playlist that will last several hours, and also with a solid mix of mellow and upbeat music. If you have a turntable or record player, it may be to your advantage to use this instead of other forms. It lends a certain vintage charm to the evening.

- Scent - It is extremely important for your place to smell good. Scent has the incredible ability to evoke emotions and moods more than any other sense in the body. Using a subtle atmosphere of scent will add a subconscious layer to the mood that she may not even realize is there. Don't go crazy with sprays or candles. if it's overpowering it has the exact opposite effect and can ruin the night. I suggest using an odor eliminator like Febreze long before she arrives to get rid of any lingering smells of laundry, cooking, etc. This will give you a clean canvas to work with. Again, if you don't know her taste in scents, opt for something light and clean smelling. No food smells or overpowering florals. Bath and Body Works has a fantastic line of room sprays that are concentrated and long lasting. I suggest the Fresh Linen or Sea Island Cotton fragrance. Spray once in each room 30 minutes before her arrival. Out on the town, and not sure if you'll have company? Bath and Body works also sells plug in fragrances. Plug it in, and arrive home to a fresh smelling place.

- Drinks - Gentlemen. It is extremely important to have a variety of refreshments on hand to offer. If you know what she drinks, stock it. If you don't, or you have a surprise guest, it's important to have something to offer her other than Sunny D, coors light, or tap water. A good rule of thumb is to always try to have a bottle of white and red wine on hand, and maybe some vodka. A stocked bar would be optimal, but if you are without one, then a selection of wine almost never fails. Also, bottled water and some mix would be perfect. You don't want to be the shmuck that can only offer a luke warm can of beer on your futon.

On a final note guys, you want to just get rid of any and all items in your place that have a frat boy vibe to them. Women want a man and a gentleman. Not a toga wearing boy. So get rid of the Anna Kournikova posters, the beer bong and anything else that stinks of college immaturity. Oh, and now that i think of it, make sure you have some wine glasses to go with that wine. You don't want to serve her in an empty mason jar your mom gave you salsa in.

Until Next time gents,

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